Key Functionality

Validate API

About OpenAPI Specifications

APIs are specified using an OpenAPI format. The OpenAPI format contains a full specification of the endpoints available in this API, what requests the endpoint expects and the format of the response to be returned

📚 Read the full OpenAPI specification here: OpenAPI v3, OpenAPI v2 (swagger).

OpenAPI specifications are often extensive (1000+ lines of text) and it is easy to make mistakes. However mistakes in the specification can result in several issues:

  • The definition is no longer valid resulting in a broken integration
  • The OpenAPI file cannot be used by downstream systems e.g. an API gateway
  • SDKs generated from the OpenAPI specification do not work
  • Engineers looking to integrate with the system are confused

Validating OpenAPI specifications

Vaktum can validate OpenAPI specifications. This can be done using the CLI tool, or by API.

The validation will consider the following categories of potential issues:

  1. OpenAPI format issues: These are issues breaking the specification for valid OpenAPI files
  2. Consistency issues: There are issues when the specification is not consistent with itself e.g. when the example request or response is not matching the specification.

Vaktum will validate any OpenAPI file. The validations will be resulting in one of the following outcomes:

  • PASSED: The validation passed without issues or remarks
  • FAILED: The validation failed, an issue is detected
  • SUGGESTION: A suggested improvement but not breaking
  • SKIPPED: The validation could not be performed
  • RUNNING: The validation is currently being performed

We recommend running Vaktum's OpenAPI specification validation as a part of any CI/CD pipeline handling OpenAPI specifications