Vaktum Cli

Generate SDK

Vaktum can generate software development kits (SDKs) from the CLI tooling. For a full overview of what SDKs can be generated see the generate-artifacts page.

Vaktum can generate software development kits (SDKs) from the CLI tooling. For a full overview of what SDKs can be generated see the generate-artifacts page.

Using Vaktum CLI to generate SDKs

Call the command below to generate an SDK. <openapi-file> is the path to the OpenAPI file you want to validate in json or yaml format. See the artifacts page for an overview of all supported languages

🖥️ Shell
vaktum generate sdk <language> <openapi-file>

Vaktum uses the openapi-generator library to generate most SDKs. If it is the first time running the generate sdk command, this library will be downloaded and stored in a new folder called lib